PWSRCAC Board meeting scheduled for May will be virtual only

Update on COVID-19 impacts on Council activities

COVID19The Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council is scheduled to hold a Board meeting on Thursday and Friday, May 7-8, 2020. Today the decision was made by the Board to hold the meeting through virtual attendance only, by video/teleconference.

The meeting schedule and agenda will be released the week prior as usual. Information on how to join the teleconference will be provided at that time.

Both Council offices (Anchorage and Valdez) are temporarily closed as a safety precaution due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Council staff are conducting business remotely. All other Council meetings are being offered via teleconference only. Information on how to join meetings can be found in individual meeting announcements or by contacting staff.

The health and safety of Council staff and volunteers are our top priority and will drive decisions as the situation evolves and more information becomes available.

Additional updates on COVID-19 impacts to Council activities and other information related to this situation can be found here: COVID-19: Effects on Council activities

News release: PWSRCAC Board Meeting Scheduled For May Will Be Virtual Only (PDF)

Council recertified as official citizens’ advisory group in Prince William Sound

Storage Tanks at Valdez Marine TerminalThe U.S. Coast Guard has recertified the Council as meeting its responsibilities under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990. In a February 25 letter to the Council, Rear Admiral M. T. Bell, Commander of the Coast Guard’s District 17 in Juneau, notified the Council of recertification. The Act requires the Council to be recertified annually as the official citizens’ advisory group to the oil industry in Prince William Sound. Guidelines established in 2002 streamlined the recertification process for two out of three years, with every third year requiring stricter procedures. The more extensive process was used this year. The new recertification expires February 28, 2021. At that time, the Council is scheduled to undergo the streamlined version of recertification.

The Council received almost 70 letters of support from organizations, agencies, businesses, Native corporations, and members of the public during the recertification process. Copies of the Council’s application for recertification or letters of support received can be obtained by contacting Brooke Taylor at

Council comments on State’s public scoping

The Exxon Valdez oil spill taught many lessons about oil spill prevention and preparedness, such as ensuring responders are better trained ahead of time to use cleanup equipment. The strong rules that resulted from that spill mean better preparedness today.

Yesterday the Council submitted comments on the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation’s public scoping on the state’s oil spill contingency plans for preventing and cleaning up an oil spill.

“PWSRCAC does not think the regulations are necessarily flawed as they are written. The regulations have proven to be protective of Alaska’s people and environment for decades, and it is critical that the protections written into them not be weakened in any way. It is equally important to maintain transparency, predictability, and specificity required to verify operational needs, which is currently in the  regulations.”

Read the Council’s comments in full:

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Transparency is the foundation of public trust: RCA should require release of Hilcorp financial information

By Donna Schantz
Executive Director

Public trust in our oil spill prevention and response system took many years to rebuild after the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill. It took a commitment to transparency, listening and engaging stakeholders in developing and maintaining the system of safeguards we have today for the Valdez Marine Terminal and associated tankers. Alyeska Pipeline Service Company initiated many of the spill prevention and response improvements by working with regulators and the public, a testament to their ongoing commitment to the people, environment and safety.

Photo of Donna Schantz
Donna Schantz

This system is now widely regarded as one of the best in the world. Strong State of Alaska statutes and regulations have been a major driver of this robust system. The lack of significant spills in Prince William Sound over the last 30 years indicates the effectiveness of industry meeting or exceeding regulatory requirements.

In enacting the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, Congress determined that only when local citizens are involved in oil transport will the trust develop that is necessary to change the system from confrontation to consensus, and so the Act called for creation of citizen councils.

The Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council was created to provide a voice for citizens, those with the most to lose in the event of a large spill. Our council is a unique partner for industry and regulators, giving them a platform to provide information, answer questions, listen to stakeholders and cultivate the long-term relationships that are necessary to establish public trust. Involving local citizens in the process of independently verifying the state of readiness to prevent and respond to oil spills helps build trust.

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