Council Board met January 27-28

The Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council held a virtual board meeting on Thursday and Friday, January 27-28, 2022.

The Council conducted regular business during the meeting, including updates from Council ex-officio members, staff and committees. Other topics on the agenda were:

  • An activity report by Alyeska Pipeline Service Company on the Valdez Marine Terminal and Ship Escort/Response Vessel System operations.
  • An overview on Council comments to be submitted to the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation on the proposed changes to regulations related to oil spill contingency planning.
  • An update on the budget for the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Spill Prevention and Response and current challenges facing the division.
  • A briefing from Council staff on the status of the Prince William Sound Tanker Oil Discharge Prevention and Contingency Plan renewal.
  • An update on West Coast shipping operations from Marathon Petroleum.
  • An overview of the work conducted by the Council to monitor the environmental impacts of the Valdez Marine Terminal spill which occurred on April 12, 2020.
  • A summary of a review to determine if the Council should support Alyeska’s appeal asking that parts of an Environmental Protection Agency rule regarding emissions standards not be applicable to the terminal.
  • A presentation on aerial forage fish surveys conducted in Prince William Sound in June of 2021.
  • A report of the Council’s monitoring of drills and exercises in 2021.
  • A summary by Council staff of incidents (e.g., oil spills, fires, malfunctions causing shutdowns, navigational closures, tanker/escort incidents) at the terminal, on Ship Escort/Response Vessel System tugs and barges or on associated tankers that occurred in 2021.

Council board meetings are routinely recorded and may be disseminated to the public by the Council or by the news media. 

Updates on COVID-19 impacts to council activities.

Community Corner: Committee volunteer recognized for achievements in conservation

Council volunteer Kate Morse recently received a Conservation Achievement Award from Alaska Conservation Foundation. These prestigious awards recognize individuals and organizations committed to protecting Alaska. The Council was proud to support Kate’s nomination for the Jerry S. Dixon Award for Excellence in Education, which rewards educators who integrate stewardship of Alaska’s natural environment.

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Prince William Sound is home to a variety of bird species in winter

Frigid Alaska winters can be a tough time and place for wildlife. Food is scarce, the climate can be extreme, and days are short. Many species of birds head south.

However, some hardier species, such as marbled murrelets, common murres, pelagic cormorants, black-legged kittiwakes, and glaucous-winged gulls tough it out over the winter.

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Schantz and Archibald: Safeguarding our prevention and response system

By President Robert Archibald (City of Homer) and Executive Director Donna Schantz

It will surprise no one to learn the past year has been exceptionally challenging for the Council. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented changes and constant uncertainty. Safety precautions required us to look for new ways to monitor drills and adapt projects. While the Council has moved projects forward in our many areas of responsibility and recognizes new realities the pandemic presents, we remain concerned with what we view as a steady deterioration of federal and state oil spill prevention, response, oversight, and enforcement capabilities that continues in Prince William Sound.

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