Patience Andersen Faulkner retires; recognized for 24 years service

Andersen Faulkner speaks with Kristina Peterson, Russell Dardar, and Shirley Laska, resident of Louisiana visited Alaska after the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill seeking advice from Alaskans who dealt firsthand with the Exxon Valdez oil spill.

The Board’s longest-serving member, Patience Andersen Faulkner, retired after 24 years of service to the Council’s mission.

Her first-hand experience with the spill began in 1989, first working through the advocacy of Chugach Alaska Corporation as a Native representative to VECO, and later processing legal claims for many commercial fishermen who were unable to make a living afterwards. Her experience led to her becoming the longest standing Board member, representing Cordova District Fishermen United.

Faulkner worked with Dr. Steve Picou after the spill to document the profound human health and societal impacts of oil spills, which is now recommended for the list of damages that responsible parties must legally acknowledge and attempt to address in the wake of a large oil spill. This work led to one of the Council’s most successful projects, “Coping with Technological Disasters – A User Friendly Guidebook.”

Faulkner has dedicated countless hours since she was seated in 1998, as she has served multiple times as president of the Board, as vice-president, treasurer, and as a member-at-large on the Executive Committee. She has also served on a number of other committees, including Finance, Board Governance, Long Range Planning, and Information and Education.

At its meeting in May, the Board passed a resolution of gratitude for Andersen Faulkner, who received a standing ovation. The full resolution lists more of Faulkner’s accomplishments.

The Coping with Technological Disasters guidebook includes a program called “Peer Listening,” which has helped communities deal with such disasters as Hurricane Katrina, the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and other human-caused disasters around the U.S. and the world.

Read more about the development of the peer listening program from a 2021 interview with Faulkner: A good neighbor reflects on the art of listening

See also: Volunteer Spotlight: Patience Andersen Faulkner

Oliver moves on; Long-time volunteers honored

By Betsi Oliver
Outreach Coordinator

During nearly four years at the Council as Outreach Coordinator, I have experienced a depth of volunteer commitment that I will continue to value as a model for citizen engagement.

Each committee member volunteers an estimated forty hours per year, including preparing for and attending meetings. Board members volunteer at least a hundred hours annually preparing for and attending several multi-day meetings per year. In addition, many Board members serve on committees, and many committee members contribute countless additional hours on project teams guiding specific work outcomes. In the past few years, this has meant lots of videoconference time, for which we are especially grateful.

Although my path diverges here, I cherish the relationships I’ve built and the accomplishments of the Council I’ve witnessed. The toughest accomplishment to measure is always prevention – the lack of disaster that affirms the value of time, effort, and dollars spent, often behind the scenes, to keep our system robust. Thank you to all the folks investing your valuable time and expertise. You are indeed the citizens of the citizens’ advisory council.

Volunteers honored

At its Board meeting each May, the Council honors its volunteers that have reached a 5-year milestone.
The following have dedicated extraordinary time and effort to help protect Alaskans from another major oil spill:

  • Gordon Scott honored for 30 years of service on the Oil Spill Prevention and Response Committee
  • Jane Eisemann honored for 20 years of service, formerly as a Board member and on several committees, currently serving on the Information and Education Committee
  • Dorothy Moore honored for 15 years of service as a Board member and on several committees
  • President Robert Archibald and Oliver present a memento to Bauer for her 10 years of service.

    Amanda Bauer honored for 10 years of service as a Board member and on several committees

  • Harold Blehm honored for 10 years of service on the Terminal Operations and Environmental Monitoring Committee
  • Orson Smith honored for 10 years of service, formerly as a Board member and several committees, recently retired from the Port Operations and Vessel Traffic Systems Committee
  • Wei Cheng honored for 5 years of service on the Scientific Advisory Committee
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