Science Night 2019

On December 5, the Council hosted Science Night, an evening to hear about the latest research affecting the safe transportation of oil through Prince William Sound. This annual event is an initiative of the Council’s Scientific Advisory Committee. SAC, as it’s known, ensures Council projects are based on the best scientific practices available. All four presentations are below. How Visualizing Data on Cook Inlet Wild Resource Harvests Can…

Science Night 2022: Videos now available!

Science Night returned this year, better than ever! This annual event, hosted by the Prince William Regional Citizens Advisory Council, focuses on research related to the safe transportation of oil through Prince William Sound. Individual presentations can be viewed below, or you can view the full playlist directly on the Council’s Youtube Channel: Science Night 2022  Ongoing Climate Change in the Northern Gulf of Alaska Presentation…

New member entity joins Council

Area recreation enthusiasts now have permanent, dedicated representation on the Council’s Board of Directors. Jim Herbert The newly-formed Oil Spill Region Recreational Coalition was added to the Council’s roster of member entities at the January meeting. Jim Herbert was chosen by the coalition as its representative. Herbert had been serving as a temporary recreation representative for the past year while the while the council solicited…

Ocean science festival held in Cordova, coming to Valdez

By KARA JOHNSON Education Director, Prince William Sound Science Center This past September, on a rainy, windblown Saturday, 215 diehard science enthusiasts braved the elements to attend the Prince William Sound Science Center’s Ocean Science Festival in Cordova. The festival was an opportunity to get a behind the scenes look at ocean research being conducted in Prince William Sound. Dr. Richard Lee of the Skidaway Institute of…

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