Position on the use of chemical dispersants

Adopted September 26, 2022 Summary of supporting literature (PDF) It is the position of the Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council that chemical dispersants should not be used on Alaska North Slope crude oil spills in the waters of Prince William Sound and the Exxon Valdez oil spill affected region for the following reasons: 1) Mechanical recovery is the preferred response method in Alaska and PWSRCAC supports mechanical…

About the Exxon Valdez oil spill

Exxon Valdez tanker leaking oil in Prince William Sound, April 13, 1989. Photo by Charles N. Ehler. Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Collection, ARLIS. ARLIS’ EVOS photos On March 24, 1989, the oil tanker Exxon Valdez ran aground on a charted rock, Bligh Reef, in Prince William Sound. The grounding occurred after the vessel left the designated tanker lanes to avoid icebergs reported to be in the area. The tanker spilled an estimated 11 million…

Tracking Weather for the Safe Transportation of Oil

Accurate and timely weather data and reports are essential to supporting safe navigation and preventing accidents. Accurate data supports the Council’s mission by providing the organization with the best scientific knowledge on weather in the region to help make informed decisions on spill prevention and response and to support safe navigation of tankers. Weather tracking resources This Google map* contains links to these and other weather…

Prince William Sound citizens’ council remains committed to its mission

By Donna Schantz and Robert Archibald Donna Schantz is executive director for the Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council. Robert Archibald is the president of the Council’s board of directors and represents the City of Homer. Correcting the record: the Council is concerned about protecting whale populations from impacts of the oil industry in our region. The Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council is an…

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