Ex Officio Members

PWSRCAC bylaws provide for 11 ex officio (non-voting) members, to keep local, state, and federal government better informed about the activities of PWSRCAC under its contract with Alyeska.


Ex officio Member Represented by
AK Dept. of Environmental Conservation Ytamar Rodriguez
AK Dept. of Fish & Game/Habitat Division Jonathan Kirsch
AK Dept. of Natural Resources Anthony Strupulis
Bureau of Land Management Greg Bjorgo
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration Liza Sanden
Oil Spill Recovery Institute W. Scott Pegau
Div. of Homeland Security & Emergency Management, Alaska Department of Military and Veterans Affairs VACANT
U.S. Coast Guard/Marine Safety Office Valdez Cmdr. Sarah Rousseau
U.S. Dept. of the Interior Lisa Fox
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Torri Huelskoetter
U.S. Forest Service Steve Namitz


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