Workshop: Tsunami hazards guidance for vessel operators

The Council is partnering with the City of Valdez to hold a workshop to further our understanding of the risks posed to vessel operators by tsunamis, including those generated by landslides.

Participants will represent a diversity of vessel operators, emergency managers, and researchers studying the subject. A portion of this workshop will take place with Stan Stephens Cruises, traveling through Prince William Sound, with a visit to the world-famous Columbia Glacier.

Based on workshop results, we will develop a report detailing preliminary guidance for vessel operators facing the threat of a tsunami and a list of research topics that could improve future guidance. The proposed guidance will be designed to be applicable in Prince William Sound and similar areas that have complex steep shorelines, and which face the potential of landslide-generated tsunamis.

This workshop will be held in Valdez on June 3rd and 4th, 2024.


Registration is closed. Thank you.


The Totem Inn is offering a limited number of rooms at a reduced rate for workshop participants. These rooms can be booked by calling the hotel directly: 907-835-4443 or toll Free: 1-888-808-4431 Please note that you are attending the Tsunami Workshop at the time you book your room.


For more information, please email Nelli Vanderburg.

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