Walt Wrede is retiring after serving as the Council’s director of administration since 2016.
Wrede’s passion for and knowledge of the political system in Alaska has been instrumental as he worked closely with the Legislative Affairs Committee to monitor developments on matters related to the Council’s mission in Washington, D.C., and Juneau. He also worked with the Council’s Executive Committee and Board Governance Committee.
Before the Council, Wrede spent most of his career in Alaska working in municipal government. He served as the city planner in Cordova for four years immediately following the Exxon Valdez oil spill. He also served for eight years as the borough manager of the Lake and Peninsula Borough and 12 years as city manager for Homer.
Wrede’s easy-going demeanor, willingness to work with those that had differing viewpoints, and great sense of humor were instrumental in moving important work forward throughout this career. He often introduced himself as the Council’s “all-purpose bureaucrat” and, during his tenure as Homer city manager, when asked by Homer’s citizens who he was supporting for city council, would answer, “Whoever wins.”
When asked about where he plans to focus his time in retirement, Wrede noted he is looking forward to spending more time volunteering. He says he is looking forward to being able to give more of his time to meaningful causes.
“It has been a pleasure working with Walt,” said Donna Schantz, executive director for the Council. “The entire staff greatly benefited from his leadership and composure during difficult situations. Walt’s vast experience and passion for the organization’s mission is unmatched, and he will be greatly missed.”