PWSAC is a private non-profit corporation founded in 1974 by a local commercial fishermen’s organization. The purpose of the corporation is to ethically and professionally optimize salmon production in Area E for the long-term well-being of all user groups. Approximately 600 million salmon fry and smolt are produced for release into Pacific waters. The returning adults benefit commercial fishing, sport fishing, personal use, and subsistence users.
For more information, please visit Prince William Sound Aquaculture Corp.
Representative | Seated | Resigned |
Nick Crump | May 2021 | Current |
Thane Miller | Jan-07 | May-21 |
Sharry Miller | May-05 | Sep-06 |
Lou Beaudry | Dec-01 | Mar-05 |
Bill Lindow | Sep-95 | Sep-01 |
Tom Copeland | Dec-93 | Sep-95 |
John Herschleb | Oct-91 | Sep-93 |
John McMullen | Jul-89 | Oct-91 |