After 25 years of work on invasive species, Council studies remain innovative

More on how to identify green crabs Twenty-five years ago this year, the Council released its first study on the threat of marine invasive species to Prince William Sound. The researchers determined that the biggest source of risk was the ballast water discharged from the oil tankers arriving in Prince William Sound. Ballast water is sea water that the tanker takes on when they are not carrying oil. This helps stabilize the vessel during ocean…

Response Rate Analysis

In 2008, the council commissioned a report to better understand how encounter rates affect the recovery rate capabilities of the nearshore and open water oil spill response in Prince William Sound. This study used an ASTM F1780 standard that considers actual encounter rates as the principal methodology, rather than the EDRC approach which focuses simply on de-rated efficiencies for skimmers. For analysis purposes, recovery rates were calculated…

Notice to mariners! Drift buoy study taking place in Port Valdez

Drift buoy Mariners may see drift buoys labelled “PWSSC” around Port Valdez over the next few weeks. They are part of a study to measure flow patterns at various depths within the Port. The study is funded by the council in collaboration with the Prince William Sound Science Center. The dates the drifter buoys will be in the water are: Release on September 21 Retrieval on September 30 Please do not pick up the buoys! They are being…

Request for proposals for compensation study

The Council is inviting proposals for a comprehensive employee compensation study. The final work product of this effort is a report providing recommended base salary or wage ranges for each position in the organization, an evaluation of existing benefits, and validation of the cost of living differential used for Valdez staff. Submittal Deadline: February 23, 2018 Award Announcement: March 7, 2018 For more information and instructions on how…

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