
As a citizens’ organization, it is our goal to provide information to the communities we serve and to the public in general. We provide resources that may be useful for generating reports, supplementing educational curriculum, or for simply gaining a better understanding of the dynamics of oil transportation in Prince William Sound. Reports and Documents Find new reports and search all PDF documents. Tracking Weather for the Safe Transportation…

Fall drills and exercises test industry spill response plans

By ROY ROBERTSON Council Project Manager This past October 3 and 4, Tesoro conducted the annual large-scale oil spill response exercise to test the Prince William Sound Tanker Oil Discharge Prevention and Contingency Plan. The scenario imagined that, during inclement weather, an outbound partially loaded tanker struck an unknown object near Glacier Island and suffered a breached hull. The tanker instantaneously released a simulated 20,000…

The Observer newsletter – January 2013

Articles from the January issue of The Observer newsletter are now online: Study looks at changes in Columbia Glacier and effects on oil transportation This year, the council is sponsoring a project to study Columbia Glacier, looking at its retreat and loss of ice. The council hopes to learn more about possible future effects of icebergs on tanker traffic in Prince William Sound. Article: Study looks at changes in Columbia Glacier and effects…

Industry and council test spill response plans during drill

A fishing vessel pulls oil spill boom during a recent drill. On June 12 and 13, an oil spill drill conducted by the U.S. Coast Guard and hosted by Alyeska tested oil spill contingency plans for the Valdez Marine Terminal. During the drill, the council put aspects of its own internal spill readiness plan to the test. The fictional drill scenario involved a power outage at the Valdez Marine Terminal, a ruptured line leading to one of the loading…

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