The Observer Newsletter – July 2013

Articles from the July issue of The Observer newsletter are now online. A fishing vessel pulls oil spill boom during a recent drill. 1. Industry and council test spill response plans during drill On June 12 and 13, an oil spill drill conducted by the U.S. Coast Guard and hosted by Alyeska tested oil spill contingency plans for the Valdez Marine Terminal. During the drill, the council put aspects of its own internal spill readiness plan to…

North Slope crude oil spills into Port Valdez

Oil collected inside boom during spill. Photo by Jeremy Robida. On September 21, approximately 100 gallons of North Slope Crude oil was spilled into Port Valdez. The spill occurred during a planned annual leak-test of the pipes that load oil onto tankers out at the end of loading Berth 5 at the Valdez Marine Terminal. To conduct the annual test, Alyeska Pipeline Service Company uses the berth’s fire system to pump seawater into the crude…

Contingency plan for terminal under review

The oil spill contingency plan for the Valdez Marine Terminal is undergoing its five year renewal. During a public comment period in December, the Council voiced concern over a “prevention credit” that reduces the amount of oil that the industry must be ready to clean up if a spill were to occur. One of the Council’s primary duties is reviewing spill contingency plans for the oil industry in Prince William Sound. The Council has been reviewing…

Best Available Technology for Tanker Escorts

Several Council studies have examined the technology for the escort tugs in Prince William Sound. These studies help the Council provide informed advice and recommendations about the escort system. The studies don’t just look at electronic technology, but also examine winch systems, towing gear, engine design, and much more. October 2016 – A Summary of Current B.A.T. Requirements for Escort and Rescue Towing Tugs This report…

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