Council questions proposed changes to ADEC response exercise program

By Susan Sommer Drills and exercises are a vital part of making sure that companies transporting oil through Prince William Sound are meeting state laws and are capable of performing an effective spill response. In early February, the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation’s Division of Spill Prevention and Response, known as SPAR, published a draft white paper titled “Response Exercise Program Improvements.” Although the document…

Council study reviews remote operations at Valdez Marine Terminal

A recent council study looked at issues associated with the remote control operations of Alyeska Pipeline Service Company’s Valdez Marine Terminal. Alyeska controls some operations for the terminal and pipeline from its Operational Control Center in Anchorage. The council began the project in part to follow up on a recommended action contained in a risk assessment by Det Norske Veritas, and in part because of concerns highlighted by a 2010…

Your input is needed on Prince William Sound oil spill contingency plans!

The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, U.S. Coast Guard, and the Environmental Protection Agency are seeking public input for proposed changes to the Prince William Sound Subarea Contingency Plan for Oil and Hazardous Substance Spills and Releases. These subarea plans supplement the statewide oil spill contingency plan, known as the “Unified Plan,” by concentrating on issues and provisions specific to Prince William Sound. The…

Now Hiring: Maritime Operations Project Manager

The Council is seeking skilled and experienced applicants for the Maritime Operations Project Manager position in the Valdez office! Applicants must have strong verbal and written communication skills and be able to work collaboratively with staff, volunteers, industry, and regulators to promote environmentally safe and responsible transportation of crude oil through Prince William Sound and the Gulf of Alaska. The Maritime Operations Project…

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