Study shows purpose-driven design can improve performance

When a ship is disabled at sea, an appropriate rescue vessel must respond quickly to prevent an accident. Towing can be dangerous, especially in rough weather, because the rescue tug must get close to connect a towline. Challenging environment in Alaska Alaska requires a tug stationed in the vicinity of Hinchinbrook Entrance, the narrow waterway which connects Prince William Sound to the Gulf of Alaska. The tug remains on standby to assist or…

Now Hiring: IT/Admin Assistant

The Council is seeking skilled and experienced applicants for the IT/Admin Assistant position in Anchorage! We are seeking an IT and administrative professional with expertise in hardware, software, and digital platforms. Their role will be to maintain the reliable operation of our IT systems, ensuring they function efficiently and securely, as well as provide document management, and general office coordination and administrative support. This…

Science Night 2023 – Videos now available

Systems and Methods: Connecting across the Exxon Valdez oil spill region Science Night is an annual event hosted by the Prince William Regional Citizens Advisory Council. Topics focus on research related to the safe transportation of oil through Prince William Sound. Individual presentations can be viewed below, or you can view the full playlist directly on the Council’s Youtube Channel: Science Night 2023 On this page: Let the Hydrocarbons in…

Dispersants Research

The Council monitors research and regulatory issues regarding dispersants, and for many years, the Council has been pursuing answers to questions surrounding dispersant effectiveness and toxicity in the cold waters of our region. This pursuit has led to a number of council-sponsored studies on subjects including the toxicity of dispersed oil, swirling flask laboratory testing, photoenhanced toxicity, test tanks, re-surfacing of dispersed oil,…

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