Science Night 2022: Videos now available!

Science Night returned this year, better than ever! This annual event, hosted by the Prince William Regional Citizens Advisory Council, focuses on research related to the safe transportation of oil through Prince William Sound. Individual presentations can be viewed below, or you can view the full playlist directly on the Council’s Youtube Channel: Science Night 2022  Ongoing Climate Change in the Northern Gulf of Alaska Presentation…


AAC: Alaska Administrative Code ABS: American Bureau of Shipping ACMP: Alaska Coastal Management Program ACS: Alaska Clean Seas ADEC: Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation ADF&G: Alaska Department of Fish and Game ADNR: Alaska Department of Natural Resources AFER: Alaska Forum for Environmental Responsibility AIMS: Alaska Incident Management System AKOSH: Alaska Occupational Safety and Health AMOP: Arctic & Marine Oil Spill…

Observations, Questions, and Recommendations Regarding Use of Dispersants on the BP Deepwater Horizon Spill

The Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council has studied chemical dispersants for many years. We have observed dispersants trials, monitored dispersants effectiveness testing, and advised on and sponsored independent research on dispersants. After these many years of study, it is our position that dispersants should not be used on Alaska North Slope crude oil spills in the waters of our region. Until such time as dispersants…

From our Executive Director: What will it take to get the best available escort and towing technology for Prince William Sound?

• Mark Swanson is executive director of the Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council. Alaska law requires the use of best available technology in certain areas of state-approved spill prevention and response plans, also known as contingency plans. Theoretically, these requirements should help us keep abreast of advances in technology. In reality, this provision of Alaska law is difficult to enforce and is achieved only…

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