From the Executive Director: Dispersant use in spill response a concern for many

By Mark Swanson Executive Director Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council. The council has long been skeptical about the use of dispersants in responding to oil spills in our local waters. Until they can be shown to be effective and environmentally beneficial, the council does not recommend their use and advocates for mechanical clean-up options with booms and skimmers that physically remove the spilled oil from the…

Citizens’ advisory council for Gulf of Mexico holds first meeting

Representatives from U.S. states bordering the Gulf of Mexico met May 30 in New Orleans to “move forward with the establishment of a Gulf of Mexico Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council,” according to a press release from the group. The group says they are modeling themselves after the councils in Prince William Sound and Cook Inlet, formed after the Exxon Valdez oil disaster in 1989. Similar to the Valdez spill, oil industry and government…

John Kennish: Chair of science committee long interested in effects of toxins on environment and health

Volunteer Spotlight: John Kennish, chair of the council’s Scientific Advisory Committee, also known as SAC, found his life’s calling early. John Kennish “I knew I’d be a chemist in the 11th grade when my teacher told us how scientists first figured out the composition of water,” Kennish said. “What excited me was how you could take indirect evidence and use your own sense of logic to draw conclusions about what was really occurring.” “I thought…

Why commemorate the Exxon Valdez oil spill 25 years later?

By LISA MATLOCK Outreach Coordinator Lisa Matlock In 2013, Alaska and Alaskans lost Prince William Sound advocate, Stan Stephens, a constant voice for safe oil transportation in Alaska. Also this past year, “Homer”, the last surviving sea otter rescued from the Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989, died at her aquarium home. Firsthand Exxon Valdez oil spill memories are fading. And who wants to dwell on such a terrible event? The tragic and…

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