How can we combine efforts and verify response capabilities?

From Executive Director Mark Swanson: Mark Swanson The safe transportation of oil requires that the industry plan extensively for spill prevention and response. Beyond planning, extensive practice of the tactics described in the plans help verify that these spill response plans will work as written. Drills and exercises conducted today are many and varied. These drills test different federal and state requirements. Some are aimed at maintaining…

Recertification application available for public review

The Council is seeking recertification as the alternative voluntary advisory group for Prince William Sound, as authorized under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90). The application has been submitted to the U.S. Coast Guard, which is charged with assessing whether the Council fosters the general goals and purposes of OPA 90 and is broadly representative of communities and interests as envisioned under OPA 90. The recertification application

Council recertification application available for public review

The council is seeking recertification as the alternative voluntary advisory group for Prince William Sound, as authorized under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90). The application has been submitted to the U.S. Coast Guard, which is charged with assessing whether the council fosters the general goals and purposes of OPA 90 and is broadly representative of communities and interests as envisioned under OPA 90. The recertification application

From the Executive Director: Recertification is time for reflection and self-evaluation

Donna Schantz In December, the council submitted its application to the U.S. Coast Guard for recertification under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, referred to as “OPA90.” The Act requires the council to reapply yearly for the Coast Guard’s approval as the official citizens’ advisory group to the oil industry in Prince William Sound. Guidelines established in 2002 streamlined the recertification process for two out of three years, with every…

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