New member entity joins Council

Area recreation enthusiasts now have permanent, dedicated representation on the Council’s Board of Directors. Jim Herbert The newly-formed Oil Spill Region Recreational Coalition was added to the Council’s roster of member entities at the January meeting. Jim Herbert was chosen by the coalition as its representative. Herbert had been serving as a temporary recreation representative for the past year while the while the council solicited…

Orson Smith: Engineering expert motivated by intellectual challenges

Orson Smith Orson Smith, the newest member of the council’s Port Operations and Vessel Traffic System committee, loves a good mental challenge. Smith was recruited by council project manager Alan Sorum to the committee a little over a year ago. Working with the committee has given him a chance to understand the terminal and the Coast Guard’s Vessel Traffic System better. “Port operations in the Valdez Arm represent truly challenging port and…

New website technology helps keep public better informed about council issues and activities

The council’s home on the web has recently undergone a major redesign. The new site is designed to help us keep you better informed about our work. The last major upgrade of the website was done in 2006. Visitors to the site will encounter a number of new features: You can now subscribe to news and announcements by email or RSS feed. To subscribe by email, enter your email address at the bottom of any page on the site. An RSS feed subscription…

From Alyeska: “A journey, never a job.”

Submitted by Alyeska. This profile is from their Memories & Mileposts story collection which commemorates 45 years of TAPS operations.  After helping build the Trans Alaska Pipeline, or TAPS, from 1974-1977, operating rock trucks, fuel trucks, boom trucks, and forklifts, including working on a Hercules aircraft team offloading critical supplies while Wein F-27s were hauling workers in and out nearby, from Galbraith Lake to…

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