Schantz and Archibald: Walking the talk on responsible energy development

[show-team limit=’2′ ids=’9875,9839′ layout=’grid’ style=’img-circle,img-white-border,text-center,img-above,normal-float’ display=’photo,position,name’ img=’90,90′] Senator Josh Revak (R-Anchorage) recently stated in an Anchorage Daily News op-ed, “Alaska has and continues to be a shining example of responsible resource and energy development – where conservation and…

Community Corner: Prince William Sound Natural History Symposium goes virtual

By Betsi Oliver Outreach Coordinator Betsi Oliver The third annual Prince William Sound Natural History Symposium, held on May 24, 2021, featured 20 speakers and over 260 participants. The Prince William Sound Stewardship Foundation hosts this annual event. The foundation is a small volunteer-led nonprofit dedicated to keeping Prince William Sound healthy, clean, and wild, for all to enjoy. The Council helped sponsor the event and assisted the…

Board meeting held September 16-17

The Council held virtual board meeting on Thursday and Friday, September 16-17, 2021. Final agenda and meeting materials On the agenda The Council conducted regular business during the meeting, including updates from the Council’s ex-officio members, staff, and committees. Other topics on the agenda were: An activity report by Alyeska Pipeline Service Company on the Valdez Marine Terminal and Ship Escort/Response Vessel System operations….

Volunteer Spotlight: Patience Andersen Faulkner

A good neighbor reflects on the art of listening Patience Andersen Faulkner Patience Andersen Faulkner creates beautiful beadwork, leatherwork, hand-knitted items, traditional drums, and baskets among other artistic endeavors. But she is also a lifelong student of the art of conversation. Only a few minutes into a chat, and the listener feeling valued, respected, and entertained. An Alaska Native elder born in Cordova, she grew up in northern…

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