Council Board met January 27-28

The Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council held a virtual board meeting on Thursday and Friday, January 27-28, 2022. MEETING INFORMATION: Links to meeting agenda and materials for January 27 and 28, 2022 meeting The Council conducted regular business during the meeting, including updates from Council ex-officio members, staff and committees. Other topics on the agenda were: An activity report by Alyeska Pipeline Service…

Council mourns loss of Anchorage staffer

Natalie Novik, administrative assistant for the Anchorage office, passed away in October 2021, after a two-year battle with cancer. Natalie joined Council staff in June 2014. Born and educated in Paris, Natalie was proud of her Breton and Russian roots. She dedicated much of her life to oil spill prevention and response in Alaska and internationally. She volunteered to help clean up after multiple oil spills that plagued Brittany starting in…

Patience Andersen Faulkner retires; recognized for 24 years service

Andersen Faulkner speaks with Kristina Peterson, Russell Dardar, and Shirley Laska, resident of Louisiana visited Alaska after the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill seeking advice from Alaskans who dealt firsthand with the Exxon Valdez oil spill. The Board’s longest-serving member, Patience Andersen Faulkner, retired after 24 years of service to the Council’s mission. Her first-hand experience with the spill began in 1989, first working…

Community Corner: A new look at old programs

Maia Draper-Reich Hello from the new voice here in the Community Corner! Since joining the staff in early August, I have enjoyed launching into and paddling around the vast and deep waters of the Council’s work. I step into the outreach coordinator role with my background as a naturalist, science and environmental educator, dancer, and outreach program manager. I know the joy of facilitating young people learning about the nature that surrounds…

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