Alaska’s Oil Spill Response Planning Standard (Graphic Version)

…The full report documents the history and legislative intent of the bill that created Alaska’s world-renowned oil spill preparedness and response system. See also: Full report: Alaska’s Oil Spill Response Planning Standard – History And Legislative Intent Article: How Alaskans redefined oil spill prevention and response…

New Zealanders visit Alaska in search of Exxon Valdez lessons

This past June brought visitors to Alaska to learn about the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Raewyn Bennett and Elaine Tapsell, elders of the indigenous Maori people of New Zealand, came to look for information and best practices or guidance that might be useful to them in the aftermath of their own oil spill off the coast of New Zealand in 2011. The cargo tanker Rena ran aground on the Astrolabe Reef in October 2011, releasing over 350 tonnes…

Geographic Response Planning for the Copper River Delta and Flats

This area hosts numerous species, cultural sites, and important fisheries. It is also a challenging area for spill responders. Geographic features include high energy beaches, shallow tidal waters, changing channels, barrier islands, and braided river drainages. A response plan developed specifically for this area was adopted into the government response plan in 1999, as had been agreed in a legal settlement among the fisheries organizations,…

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