How has subsistence harvest changed over time in the Exxon Valdez oil spill region?

A way of life that includes the harvest and use of wild resources for food, raw materials, and other traditional uses. Subsistence has been a central part of the customs and traditions of many cultural groups in Alaska for centuries. Download the report: Recovery Of A Subsistence Way Of Life (PDF) or the report summary: Study Overview – Recovery Of A Subsistence Way Of Life (PDF) The Exxon Valdez oil spill changed the harvest and use of…

Ocean science festival held in Cordova, coming to Valdez

By KARA JOHNSON Education Director, Prince William Sound Science Center This past September, on a rainy, windblown Saturday, 215 diehard science enthusiasts braved the elements to attend the Prince William Sound Science Center’s Ocean Science Festival in Cordova. The festival was an opportunity to get a behind the scenes look at ocean research being conducted in Prince William Sound. Dr. Richard Lee of the Skidaway Institute of…

Wave Tank Testing

The Ohmsett dispersant test tank is a 2.6-million-gallon open-air saltwater test tank on the Atlantic seacoast and operated by the U.S. Minerals Management Service. It was created to test mechanical oil spill recovery equipment. Crude oil can be put on ocean water in the Ohmsett tank and sprayed with dispersants with little risk of release to the natural environment. In the early and mid-2000s, the Council sent representatives to observe…

Homer students present program on effects of oil spills

By JESSICA RYAN Kachemak Bay Research Reserve A Homer student demonstrates the use of absorbents to soak up oil. Fifth and sixth grade students from Fireweed Academy, a charter school in Homer, created the first ever student-led public Discovery Lab program on the topic of the Exxon Valdez oil spill, titled “25 Years After the Spill”. Fireweed Academy students are known to engage in the old adage “learn by doing.” The students learned about the…

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