Review Of The 2019 Alaska North Slope Oil Properties Relevant To Environmental Assessment And Prediction

Environment and Climate Change Canada performed the physical and chemical tests on the sample and Dr. Fingas interpreted the lab results. He was looking for properties that would influence the effectiveness of oil spill response measures including mechanical (e.g., booms, skimmers) and non-mechanical (e.g., dispersants) spill response measures. Properties such as density and viscosity of North Slope crude oil can vary, depending on the location…

Assessment of Risks and Safety Culture at Alyeska’s Valdez Marine Terminal

The purpose of the assessment documented in the report was to reach a determination, based on the information provided to PWSRCAC, on whether there is a current level of unacceptable safety risk to the VMT, its workforce, the community of Valdez, and the environment. Key finding: After reviewing all information available through the assessment, it is Ms. Garde’s conclusion that there currently is an unacceptable safety risk to the VMT,…

New Zealanders visit Alaska in search of Exxon Valdez lessons

This past June brought visitors to Alaska to learn about the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Raewyn Bennett and Elaine Tapsell, elders of the indigenous Maori people of New Zealand, came to look for information and best practices or guidance that might be useful to them in the aftermath of their own oil spill off the coast of New Zealand in 2011. The cargo tanker Rena ran aground on the Astrolabe Reef in October 2011, releasing over 350 tonnes…

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