Hinchinbrook Entrance ETV BAT Assessment

…Using this information, the contractor developed a description of best available technology in way of rescue tugs, identified a towing vessel in the worldwide fleet that represents best available technology (BAT) for service at Hinchinbrook Entrance, and compared that vessel to Ross Chouest, the current Utility/Sentinel Tug serving Hinchinbrook Entrance. See also, article: Study shows purpose-driven design can improve performance…

Oil Spill Response Gap

The Council believes that an oil spill response gap exists in Prince William Sound. A response gap occurs when oil can be transported in weather conditions not feasible for executing a successful oil spill response. For example, the closure limits to tanker traffic in Hinchinbrook Entrance are set at either 45 knot winds or 15 foot seas, but so far the industry hasn’t illustrated the capability to respond in weather conditions anywhere…

The Risk of Nonindigenous Species Invasion in Prince William Sound Associated with Oil Tanker Traffic and Ballast Water Management: Pilot Study

Although non-indigenous species are common in marine environments, and some cause significant environmental and economic impacts throughout the world, prior to this study there was very little information available for the frequency or impact of invasions by non-indigenous species at high latitudes. This pilot study was conducted over a one-year period as an initial step in defining the problem and potential risks in Port Valdez and Prince…

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