Environmental Monitoring Documents

Note: This page is not a comprehensive list of all of the environmental monitoring work of PWSRCAC.

Environmental Monitoring Reports and DocumentsAuthorDateDescriptionView Documenthf:doc_categories
2024 Sediment Metals Report, This pilot study provides a summary of 23 metals identified in sediments collected near two monitoring sites in Port Valdez.ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Long Term Environmental Monitoring Program 2024 Technical Supplement, This technical supplement contains information on field sampling, and analytical and data analysis methods used to monitor and assess environmental hydrocarbons and their potential environmental risk in Prince William Sound …ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Long Term Environmental Monitoring Program 2024 Summary Report, The major environmental monitoring activities of the Council are conducted through the long-term environmental monitoring project, known as LTEMP. This project has gathered data on the presence of hydrocarbons in …ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Long Term Environmental Monitoring Program 2022‒2023 Technical Supplement, January 26, 2024This technical supplement contains information on field sampling, and analytical and data analysis methods used to monitor and assess environmental hydrocarbons and their potential environmental risk in Prince William Sound …ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Long Term Environmental Monitoring Program 2022-2023 Summary Report, January 26, 2024The major environmental monitoring activities of the Council are conducted through the long-term environmental monitoring project, known as LTEMP. This project has gathered data on the presence of hydrocarbons in …ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
2023 Science NightDetailed agenda for 2023 Science Night.environmental-monitoring programs
Examining the Effectiveness of Ballast Water Treatment Processes: Insights into Hydrocarbon Oxidation Product Formation and Environmental Implications, September 22, 2023Abstract: This study investigates the treatment processes employed at a ballast water treatment facility in Valdez, Alaska, to remove hydrocarbons from unsegregated ballast water.environmental-monitoring ltemp programs
Executive Summary Of Effects Of The April 2020 Oil Spill Detected In Study Of Mussel Genes, , , , , , March 1, 2023On April 12, 2020, a minor oil spill was reported at the Valdez Marine Terminal (VMT) in Port Valdez, Alaska. An estimated 1,400 gallons (~34 barrels) of Alaska North Slope …ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Review Of The 2019 Alaska North Slope Oil Properties Relevant To Environmental Assessment And Prediction, March 1, 2023This report titled ‘2019 Alaska North Slope Crude Oil Properties’ by Dr. Merv Fingas, is based on a lab analysis of Alaska North Slope crude oil that was collected in …environmental-monitoring programs
Dispersants Literature Database – Updated February 2023, February 21, 2023The Council has sponsored what we believe is one of the most complete compilations of articles written on oil spill dispersant research. This database is available as a Microsoft Excel …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
PWSRCAC Dispersant Use Position Supporting MaterialsJanuary 27, 2023These materials were developed to aid in communicating the rationale for the Council’s position that was adopted in September 2022 by elaborating on each of the four sections of the …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Transcriptomic responses to an Alaskan oil spill over time reveal a dynamic multisystem involvement in exposed mussels (Mytilus trossulus), , , , , , January 1, 2023In response to a minor shoreline spill in Port Valdez, AK, a time series of mussels (M. trossulus) was collected and analyzed for oil burdens and transcriptome response. In general, …ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Review of Literature on Oil Spill Dispersants: 2021-2023, January 1, 2023This is a summary report on dispersants and dispersant research. This is an update to the previous detailed summary which was prepared in 2021, and covers the literature published since …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Dispersant Use Position Update – Report On Board Of Directors WorkshopsOctober 4, 2022This report is an interim deliverable to the Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council (PWSRCAC) under contract 9550.22.01 to support the Council’s intention to update their position on the …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Long Term Environmental Monitoring Program 2021 Technical Supplement, September 30, 2022This document is the technical supplement for the Long Term Environmental Monitoring Program 2021 Summary Report.ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
PWSRCAC’s Position On The Use Of Chemical DispersantsSeptember 26, 2022The Council’s position on the use of chemical dispersants.dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Long Term Environmental Monitoring Program 2021 Summary Report, , , May 30, 2022This document is a summary report for 28th year of Long Term Environmental Monitoring Program.ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
A Summary Of Dispersants Research 2017-2021September 27, 2021This is an update report on dispersants and dispersant research. Detailed reviews were carried out for Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council (PWSRCAC) in 2002, 2008, 2014, and 2017.dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Full Report: Mussel Chemistry and Transcriptomic Response after a Minor Alaskan Oil Spill, , , , , September 22, 2021For this report, researchers analyzed mussels for oil concentrations and genetic response to the April 2020 spill, both near and far away from the spill site.ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Executive Summary: Mussel Oiling and Genetic Response to the April 2020 Valdez Marine Terminal Spill, , , , , August 20, 2021For this report, researchers analyzed mussels for oil concentrations and genetic response to the April 2020 spill, both near and far away from the spill site.ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Long Term Environmental Monitoring Program: 2020 Sampling Results and Interpretations, April 1, 2021This annual report summarizes and interprets the Council’s oil pollution monitoring work for the year.ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Using Mussel Transcriptomics For Environmental Monitoring In Port Valdez Alaska – 2019 And 2020 Pilot Study Results, , , , , , , February 17, 2021The goal of this pilot study was to determine if transcriptomic analysis of mussel tissue would be useful as a part of the Council’s Long-Term Environmental Monitoring Program (LTEMP).environmental-monitoring ltemp programs
Recovery Of A Subsistence Way Of LifeJanuary 28, 2021The 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill (EVOS) significantly altered wild food harvest practices and ways of life in the coastal communities of Cordova, Chenega, Tatitlek, Nanwalek, and Port Graham. In …environmental-monitoring programs
Study Overview – Recovery Of A Subsistence Way Of LifeJanuary 28, 2021This joint project with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) assessed how the subsistence harvest of natural resources has changed over time in Exxon Valdez oil spill impacted …environmental-monitoring programs
Long Term Environmental Monitoring Program: 2019 Sampling Results and Interpretations, May 7, 2020This annual report summarizes and interprets the Council’s oil pollution monitoring work for the year.ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Port Valdez Mussel Transcriptomics, , , , , November 20, 2019This pilot project provided funding to evaluate if a new environmental monitoring method, transcriptomics, could be used to improve the Council’s Long-Term Environmental Monitoring Program (LTEMP).ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Long-Term Environmental Monitoring Program: 2018 Sampling Results and Interpretations, August 1, 2019The Council’s Long-Term Environmental Monitoring Program (LTEMP) was begun in 1993 with the goal of monitoring for environmental impacts from oil transportation activities.ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Long-Term Environmental Monitoring Program: 2017 Sampling Results and Interpretations, September 1, 2018This annual report examines the hydrocarbon chemistry data from Port Valdez sediments and mussel tissues with the goal of monitoring for impacts from oil transportation activities on the environment at …ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
September 2017 Berth 5 Oil Spill – Sampling Results and Interpretations, April 7, 2018On 21 September 2017, an estimated 150 gallons of Alaska North Slope (ANS) crude oil were accidentally released during crude oil loading arm leak testing at Berth 5 of the …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
A Review Of Literature Related To Human Health And Oil Spill Dispersants, 2014-2018, April 1, 2018The Deepwater Horizon spill marked the first time that the effects of dispersants on human health were studied extensively and directly. This report summarizes the studies and their findings.dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
A Review Of Literature Related To Oil Spill Dispersants, September 2017, , , September 1, 2017This report summarizes the literature related to oil spill dispersants through May 2017. It synthesizes key findings to address issues of relevance to the Prince William Sound Regional Citizens? Advisory …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
A Review of Literature Related to Oil Spill Dispersants, June 7, 2017This report is a review of the literature on oil spill dispersants published through May 2017.dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
LTEMP 2015 Sampling Results and Interpretations, December 1, 2016ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Winter Species In Prince William Sound, Alaska, 1989-2016, September 1, 2016The Prince William Sound Science Center conducted a literature search and developed a bibliography of research conducted on biological resources during winter in Prince William Sound (PWS) since the 1989 …environmental-monitoring programs
Dispersants Monitoring Protocol – July 2016July 1, 2016Prince William Sound Dispersants Monitoring Protocol: Implementation and Enhancement of SMART (Special Monitoring of Applied Response Technologies) The primary purpose of dispersant monitoring is to provide feedback about effectiveness and …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Review of the 2015 Alaska North Slope Oil Properties Relevant to Environmental Assessment and Prediction, June 8, 2016This paper is a summary of several oil parameters and the spill behavior of the 2015 Alaskan North Slope sample as provided to Environment Canada. Environment Canada analyzed the sample …environmental-monitoring programs
Updated: Analysis of Crude Oil Tanker Ballast Water Data for Valdez & Prince William Sound, Alaska – February 2016February 29, 2016This report describes ballast water data reported by crude oil tankers arriving to Valdez and Prince William Sound, Alaska, from 2005 through 2015.environmental-monitoring programs
Polar Compounds in Alaska North Slope Oil and Other Oils: A Literature Survey and Synthesis – February 2016, February 1, 2016Polar compounds as found in oils are hydrocarbon compounds containing nitrogen, sulphur or oxygen. Measurement of the presence of these compounds in oils can be carried out using sophisticated analysis …environmental-monitoring programs
Satellite-Based Pollution Monitoring in Prince William SoundJanuary 1, 2016Prince William Sound (PWS) on the southern coast of Alaska is characterized by high volumes of marine traffic both commercial (oil tankers, fishing vessels) and recreational. The ability to detect …environmental-monitoring programs
Literature Survey: Effects Of Hydrocarbons On Mussel Genomics, , , December 1, 2015A review of the literature on developing genomic technologies for the detection of genotoxic effects in mussels and other bivalve species, with a focus on effects of petroleum hydrocarbons.hydrocarbon-toxicity environmental-monitoring programs
PWSRCAC Comments On Subpart J April 16 2015April 16, 2015Letter to EPA with comments on 40 CFR Parts 110 and 300, National Contingency Plan Subparts A and Jdispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Key Issues And Summary Comments On Subpart JApril 1, 2015A brief summary and analysis of the key issues identified by the Council regarding proposed changes to Subpart J.dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons In Port Valdez Shrimp And Sediment – January 2015, , , , , January 7, 2015Small amounts of crude oil hydrocarbons enter the waters of Port Valdez from discharge from the terminal’s ballast water treatment facility. Subsistence shrimp fishermen wanted to know if shrimp caught …hydrocarbon-toxicity environmental-monitoring programs
Toxicology Of Chemical Dispersants In Alaskan Whales 2014, November 7, 2014There have been two major oil crises in United States history, the 1989 Exxon-Valdez oil spill in Alaska and the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig explosion in the Gulf of …hydrocarbon-toxicity environmental-monitoring programs
A Review Of Literature Related To Oil Spill Dispersants, 2011-2014, June 7, 2014This report is a review of the literature on oil spill dispersants published from 2011 to June 2014. The report identifies and focuses on recent advances in dispersant effectiveness, toxicity, …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Embryonic Crude Oil Exposure Causes Cardiac Hypertrophy And Reduced Aerobic Performance In Juvenile Pink Salmon And Pacific Herring, , , , , , , , , January 23, 2014The 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster exposed the embryos of pink salmon and Pacific herring to weathered crude oil in shoreline habitats throughout Prince William Sound. The Pacific herring population collapsed …hydrocarbon-toxicity environmental-monitoring programs
Cover Letter To Stakeholders On Changes To Dispersant Use Guidelines – November 11 2013November 11, 2013Letter to stakeholders about concerns regarding changes to dispersant use authorization.?dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Discussion Points For Public Meetings On Changes To Dispersant Use GuidelinesNovember 11, 2013Discussion Points For Public Meetings On Changes To Dispersant Use Guidelinesdispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Why PWSRCAC Does Not Support The Use Of Chemical Dispersants – November 2013November 7, 2013This document was prepared to supplement a November 2013 PWSRCAC outreach document to support public comments on the draft ARRT dispersants plan under public review at that time.dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Overview Of Changes To Dispersant Guidelines – November 11 2013November 1, 2013A summary of dispersant use issues to support member organization participation at the ARRT?s public meetings.?dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Analysis of Oil Biodegradation Products, June 1, 2013Oil that has undergone biodegradation or photooxidation, contains oxygenated compounds. These compounds cannot be analysed by standard extraction and gas-chromatographic methods. Conventional methods do not analyse for polar compounds and …hydrocarbon-toxicity environmental-monitoring programs
LTEMP Results And Interpretations From Sampling, 2008-2013, , , , March 8, 2013ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Toxicity Effects Of Dispersed Alaska North Slope Oil On Fish – Final Report, March 2013, March 1, 2013This report describes the experiments conducted by research groups located at the St. Andrews Biological Station, Gulf Fisheries Centre, Bedford Institute of Oceanography; and Queen’s University. Environmental conditions, such as …hydrocarbon-toxicity environmental-monitoring programs
Toxicity Effects Of Dispersed Alaska North Slope Oil On Fish – Final Report, March 2013- Appendices A-H, March 1, 2013Appendices for report “Toxicity Effects Of Dispersed Alaska North Slope Oil On Fish – Final Report, March 2013”hydrocarbon-toxicity environmental-monitoring programs
Review Of Oil Spill Herders, January 1, 2013Herding agents are surfactant mixtures or singular surfactants, used to drive thin slicks of oil to a desired location or to push slicks together so that they can be collected …non-dispersing-response-technologies environmental-monitoring programs
Review Of Solidifiers An Update 2013, January 1, 2013This paper is a review and update of oil spill solidifiers and summarizes data on solidifier effectiveness, composition, and application.non-dispersing-response-technologies environmental-monitoring programs
Surfacewashing Agents Or Beach Cleaners, January 1, 2013Surface washing agents or beach cleaners or shoreline cleaning agents, are formulations containing surfactants and are designed to remove oil from surfaces such as shorelines. The desired mechanism is that …non-dispersing-response-technologies environmental-monitoring programs
Ingestion And Effects Of Dispersed Oil On Marine Zooplankton – January 2013, January 1, 2013This review discusses the ingestion and effects of dispersed oil on zooplankton and fish larvae, the different types of surfactants used in dispersants with possible effects on zooplankton, gaps in …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
LTEMP 2008-2012, , , , December 8, 2012ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
July 20 2012 PWSRCAC Dispersant Guidelines CommentJuly 20, 2012Letter to ARRT Dispersants Working Group with comments on Revision 3 Draft Annex F dated July 15, 2012dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Saline Layering In Prince William SoundOctober 7, 2010From profiles of conductivity, temperature and depth provided by Prince William Sound Science Center (PWSSC) to Musgrave Oceanographic Analysis (MOA), we analyzed the mixed layer depth (MLD), the potential energy …environmental-monitoring programs
Observations, Questions, And Recommendations Regarding Use Of Dispersants On The BP Deepwater Horizon SpillSeptember 16, 2010Observations, questions, and recommendations from the council regarding the subject of unprecedented dispersants use in the Gulf of Mexico by BP.dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Observations, Questions, and Recommendations Regarding Use of Dispersants on the BP Deepwater Horizon SpillSeptember 15, 2010White paper outlining concerns regarding the first response use of dispersants in the BP Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico.dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Stakeholder Comments to the ARRT Science & Technology Committee regarding Revision of the Dispersant Guidelines, , July 1, 2009Stakeholder Comments to the ARRT Science & Technology Committee regarding Revision of the Dispersant Guidelinesdispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Report On Non Mechanical ResponseNovember 17, 2008environmental-monitoring programs
A Review of Literature Related to Oil Spill Solidifiers 1990-2008, September 12, 2008This report is a review of the limited literature on oil spill solidifiers published from 1990 to August 2008. The report identifies and summarizes data on solidifier effectiveness, composition, and …non-dispersing-response-technologies environmental-monitoring programs
A Review of Literature Related to Oil Spill Dispersants Especially Relevant to Alaska 2002-2008, September 7, 2008The literature on oil spill dispersants between 2001 and 2008 is extensive, consisting of more than 300 papers.dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
A Review of Literature Related to Oil Spill Dispersants 1997-2008, September 1, 2008This report is a review of the literature on oil spill dispersants published from 1997 to August, 2008. The report identifies and focusses on recent advances in dispersant effectiveness, toxicity, …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Salinity Weathering And Resurfacing DatabaseMarch 10, 2008environmental-monitoring programs
Dispersant Fact SheetJanuary 7, 2007Fact sheet about oil spill dispersants.dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
OHMSETT Trials Appendix A3, December 15, 2006Appendix to report: “Field Notes and Critical Observations from the OHMSETT Heavy Oil Dispersant Trials”ohmsett-heavy-oil-dispersant-trials environmental-monitoring programs
OHMSETT Trials Appendix A2, December 15, 2006Appendix to report: “Field Notes and Critical Observations from the OHMSETT Heavy Oil Dispersant Trials”ohmsett-heavy-oil-dispersant-trials environmental-monitoring programs
OHMSETT Trials Appendix A1, December 15, 2006Appendix to report: “Field Notes and Critical Observations from the OHMSETT Heavy Oil Dispersant Trials”ohmsett-heavy-oil-dispersant-trials environmental-monitoring programs
LTEMP 2005-2006, , , December 1, 2006ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Observers’ Report: MMS Cold Water Dispersant Tests, Ohmsett Testing Facility, , , , June 3, 2006This report, which was prepared for the Prince William Sound Regional Citizens? Advisory Council (PWSRCAC), contains the authors? observations from four days of cold water dispersant testing at the Ohmsett …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Dispersant Use Position Statement – 2006May 1, 2006After years of observing dispersant trials, dispersant effectiveness monitoring, advising and sponsoring independent research regarding chemical dispersant use, it is the position of the Prince William Sound Regional Citizens? Advisory …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Oil Spill Dispersant Effectiveness Testing in OHMSETT February to March 2006, , , , May 1, 2006This paper is a review of dispersant testing at OHMSETT. These tests were designed to measure the effectiveness of dispersant on Alaskan oils at low temperatures. The oil and water …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Dispersant Position Paper – 2006April 26, 2006Why the Council’s Scientific Advisory recommended the 2006 position on dispersants.dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
LTEMP Ecology Of Tidal Flat Communities of the Copper River Delta, , , , , April 11, 2006For this report, researchers investigated linkages between riverine and oceanic influences and the nutritional baseline for mudflat food webs in the Copper River Delta and Hartney Bay in Southeastern Prince …ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Chemical Dispersants ProgramApril 1, 2006An introduction to the Council’s Chemical Dispersants Program.dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
LTEMP Kinnetic Laboratories Reference Oils ReportMarch 1, 2006This report describes the results of chemical analyses performed on portions of sediment samples collected in 2000 by ABL personnel for a separate project entitled “Evaluation of Yakataga Oil Seeps …ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Sediment Coring Program Final Monitoring ReportJanuary 31, 2006Sediment cores were collected from eight locations in the vicinity of the Alyeska Marine Terminal (AMT), Port Valdez, and surrounding waters in order to construct a history of any hydrocarbon …environmental-monitoring programs
Stability And Resurfacing Of Dispersed Oil – Summary of ReportNovember 7, 2005This is a summary by the Council’s Scientific Advisory Committee of the report “Stability and Resurfacing of Dispersed Oil” by Merv Fingas.dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Stability And Resurfacing Of Dispersed Oil, November 1, 2005There is an extensive body of literature on surfactants and interfacial chemistry, which includes an abundance of experimental data on the topic as well as many theoretical approaches to it.dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Summary of report: Accumulation Of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons SummaryAugust 17, 2005A Summary of the report ?Accumulation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Neocalanus Copepods in Port Valdez, Alaska?hydrocarbon-toxicity environmental-monitoring programs
A Review of the Emulsification Tendencies and Long-Term Petroleum Trends of Alaska North Slope (ANS) Oils, August 22, 2005This paper reviews three topics: the potential for formation and the stability of water-in oil states (emulsions) of Alaska North Slope (ANS) oils, the change in the lightness or heaviness …environmental-monitoring programs
Accumulation Of Polycyclic Aromatic HydrocarbonsAugust 1, 2005To determine if the treated ballast water effluent affects the zooplankton community, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations in water, suspended particulate material (SPM), and Neocalanus copepods were determined throughout Port …hydrocarbon-toxicity environmental-monitoring programs
A Survey Of Tank Facilities For Testing Oil Spill Dispersants, May 1, 2005This report is a survey of tank facilities that could be used for testing oil spill dispersants. The report begins with considerations for tank testing, followed by a list of …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
LTEMP 2004-2005, , , February 10, 2005ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
LTEMP 2003-2004, , December 28, 2004ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Dispersants, Salinity and Prince William Sound, December 7, 2004This paper is a summary of the effects of water salinity on chemical dispersion, especially those effects related to effectiveness.dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Heated Oil and Under-reported Dispersants Volumes Mar MMS/Exxon Cold Water Dispersant Tests at OhmsettJuly 14, 2004The Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council (PWSRCAC) discovered that the ANS crude oil used in most of the 2002 Dispersant Effectiveness Tests in Cold Water conducted at Ohmsett …environmental-monitoring programs
Weather Windows For Oil Spill Countermeasures, January 28, 2004Weather is the single most important factor in choosing and obtaining success with oil spill countermeasures, such as mechanical recovery, chemical dispersants, and in-situ burning.environmental-monitoring programs
LTEMP 2002-2003 Summary, , December 28, 2003ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
LTEMP 2002-2003, , December 28, 2003ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Assessment of the Phototoxicity of Weathered Alaska North Slope Crude Oil to Juvenile Pink Salmon, December 1, 2003The objective of this study was determine if weathered ANS crude oil would be phototoxic to juvenile pink salmon under conditions of short-term exposures to high levels of oil that …hydrocarbon-toxicity environmental-monitoring programs
Field Notes and Critical Observations from the OHMSETT Heavy Oil Dispersant Trials, October 1, 2003This report contains the transcriptions of tape-recorded notes and observations completed by Dr. James Payne during a PWSRCAC-sponsored field audit of the 13-16 October 2003 heavy fuel oil dispersant tests …ohmsett-heavy-oil-dispersant-trials environmental-monitoring programs
Review of Monitoring Protocols for Dispersant Effectiveness, August 1, 2003This paper is a review of field monitoring of the effectiveness of oil spill dispersants.dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Critical Evaluation of Chemical Response to Oil Spills: Ecological Research Forum (CROSERF) Test Methods for Oil Dispersant Toxicity Testing under Subarctic Conditions, January 1, 2003The Alaska Region Oil and Hazardous Substance Pollution Contingency Plan requires that decisions regarding chemical dispersants use in oil spill response in Alaska consider the potential impacts of chemically dispersed …environmental-monitoring programs
LTEMP 2000-2002December 28, 2002ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
A White Paper on Oil Spill Dispersant Effectiveness Testing in Large Tanks, November 1, 2002This white paper is a perspective on testing the effectiveness of oil spill dispersants in large tanks. Literature that relates to testing methodology is reviewed.dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
A Review of Literature Related to Oil Spill Dispersants Especially Relevant to Alaska, 1997-2002, March 7, 2002This paper is a review of the literature on oil spill dispersants published from 1997 to January, 2002. As in the literature before this time period, it was found that …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Report on Visit to OHMSETT to Observe Exxon/MMS Cold-Water Dispersant Tests, March 1, 2002This report gives an account of Cold-Water Dispersant tests that took place at the Oil and Hazardous Materials Simulated Environmental Test Tank in Leonardo, New Jersey in March of 2002.dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Photoenhanced Toxicity of Aqueous Phase and Chemically-Dispersed Weathered Alaska North Slope Crude Oil to Pacific Herring Eggs and Larvae, February 11, 2002This study investigated the photoenhanced toxicity of weathered ANS to eggs and larvae of the Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi), and the relative toxicity of chemically-dispersed and aqueous phase oil.hydrocarbon-toxicity environmental-monitoring programs
Assessing Transport And Exposure Pathways and Potential Petroleum Toxicity to Marine Resources in Port Valdez, Alaska, 2001, December 8, 2001ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
The Effectiveness of Corexit 9527 and 9500 in Dispersing Fresh, Weathered, and Emulsion of Alaska North Slope Crude under Subarctic Conditions, , April 1, 2001The effect of various states of weather: no weather, 205 evaporatively weathered, and emulsification on the effectiveness of oil dispersants Corexit 9527 and Corexit 9550 in dispersing Alaska North Slope …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Potential for Photoenhanced Toxicity of Spilled Oil in Prince William Sound and Gulf of Alaska WatersMarch 1, 2000This report examines the potential for photoenhanced toxicity of spilled oil in Prince William Sound and associated Gulf of Alaska waters. Photoenhanced toxicity is the increase in the toxicity of …hydrocarbon-toxicity environmental-monitoring programs
LTEMP 1998-1999December 28, 1999ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
LTEMP Caged Mussel Study From Applied BiometeringFebruary 16, 1999A caged mussel pilot study was conducted between February and April, 1997 in Port Valdez, Alaska. The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of using transplanted mussels …ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
LTEMP 1997-1998December 28, 1998ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
LTEMP 1993-1996 Non-technical, , December 28, 1996The primary objective of the ongoing Long-Term Environmental Monitoring Program (LTEMP) is to collect data to monitor hydrocarbon pollution due to the oil transportation industry in Prince William Sound and …ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
LTEMP 1993-1996, , December 28, 1996ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
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