Resolution in support of Exxon Valdez “Reopener for Unknown Injury”

The council's directors in Kodiak at the September 2015 board meeting.
The council’s directors in Kodiak at the September 2015 board meeting.

On Friday, September 18, 2015, the council’s board of directors unanimously passed a resolution in support of the “Reopener for Unknown Injury” from the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Multiple citizens called in during the public comment period to voice their opinions about this important issue.

Media release: Citizens’ Oversight Council calls for Agreement on Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Restoration

Resolution 15-07 – “Supporting Habitat Restoration Pursuant to Damages Caused by the 1989 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill – in support of a meeting between the United States, the State of Alaska, Exxon, Inc., and the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustees Council.”

Full text of Resolution 15-07

Supporting Habitat Restoration Pursuant to Damages
Caused by the 1989 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

WHEREAS, the Exxon Valdez Settlement Agreement contains a reopener clause allowing the federal or state government to request additional funds from Exxon due to unanticipated remaining oil in the environment and subsequent failure of species to recover within Prince William Sound;

WHEREAS, in 2006, the United States and the State of Alaska presented to Exxon a comprehensive project plan for the cleanup of lingering oil at an estimated cost of $92 million;

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Board of directors met in Kodiak

The council’s board of directors met in Kodiak on Thursday and Friday, September 17 and 18.

Agenda topics included:

  • A presentation by NUKA Research & Planning, LLC on the council’s past efforts to identify the response gap in Prince William Sound and how a response capability analysis could complement that earlier work.
  • A presentation by CDR Joseph Lally, U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Unit Valdez, on managing tanker movements in Prince William Sound and Port Valdez during high weather events.
  • A presentation by Starcrest Consulting Group. LLC on the results of an analysis to quantify tanker ship air pollutants being released in Prince William Sound.
  • Consideration of a board resolution in support of implementing the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Reopener for Unknown Injury.
  • A report on the council’s monitoring of oil-spill response drills and training exercises conducted in Prince William Sound and nearby waters in 2014.
  • A presentation by Kodiak Salmon Camp youth leaders on their involvement in recent activities supported by the Council.

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Executive committee for next year includes a mix of council experience and new members

During its annual board meeting in Valdez this May, the council board held elections to choose its seven-member executive committee.

Amanda Bauer of Valdez was elected to her third term as president. Thane Miller, who represents Prince William Sound Aquaculture Corporation on the board, was elected to his third consecutive term as vice-president. Bob Shavelson, who represents the Oil Spill Region Environmental Coalition, was re-elected as secretary. Newly seated Orson Smith of Seward was elected as treasurer.

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Whittier’s Korbe resigns

Andrea Korbe
Andrea Korbe

Andrea Korbe of Whittier announced in June that she would be resigning her seat on the council’s board.

Korbe accepted a teaching position at the Whittier Community School and felt she would not be able to participate fully as the city’s representative.

“I thank you for putting your trust in me during the past two years as Whittier’s representative.” Korbe said in her resignation letter to the council. “I have learned a great deal about the safe transport of oil in Prince William Sound and have worked diligently to represent our city well.”

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