Al Burch, who served on the Council’s Board of Directors since September of 2002, resigned in May. Burch represented the Kodiak Island Borough for 16 years. He served for 14 of those years on the Council’s Legislative Affairs Committee, helping to guide the Council’s advice to elected officials and to provide input on legislative matters.
Board of Directors News
Council elects officers for next year
The Council held annual elections to choose its seven-member executive committee at the May meeting in Valdez.
Amanda Bauer, who represents the City of Valdez, was re-elected as president. Thane Miller, who represents Prince William Sound Aquaculture Corporation, was re-elected as vice-president. Bob Shavelson, who represents the Oil Spill Region Environmental Coalition, was re-elected as secretary. Wayne Donaldson, who represents the City of Kodiak, was re-elected as treasurer. Robert Archibald, who represents the City of Homer; Melissa Berns, who represents the Kodiak Village Mayors Association; and new Board member Rebecca Skinner, representing the Kodiak Island Borough, were all elected to serve as at-large members of the executive committee.
New Board members join the Council
Rebecca Skinner of Kodiak has replaced Burch as the representative for the Kodiak Island Borough. In addition, Josie Hickel from Chugach Alaska Corporation resigned from the Board in May and was replaced by Peter Andersen.
Skinner was born and raised in Kodiak, Alaska, and is a member of the Sun’aq Tribe of Kodiak. She is a practicing attorney and Executive Director of Alaska Whitefish Trawlers Association.
Andersen, who is currently the Vice President of Operations at Chugach Commercial Holdings at Chugach Alaska Corporation, has an extensive background in oil spill prevention and response.
More about our new members: Current Board of Directors
Council Board of Directors met in Whittier
The Council’s Board of Directors met in Whittier on Thursday and Friday, September 14 and 15. Topics on the agenda included:
- Presentations by Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation and the council regarding the change in Alyeska’s marine services contract provider from Crowley Marine Services to Edison Chouest Offshore set to take place July 1, 2018. These services include key oil spill prevention and response assets such as escort tugs, oil recovery barges and associated personnel for service in Prince William Sound.
- A presentation by council staff and contractors Nuka Research and Planning Group and Little River Marine Consultants on recommended modeling, field demonstrations and training to be conducted as part of the transition from Crowley Marine Services to Edison Chouest Offshore.
- A presentation by council staff on the status of amendments to the Prince William Sound Tanker Oil Discharge Prevention and Contingency Plan and Alyeska’s Valdez Marine Terminal Oil Discharge Prevention and Contingency Plan.
- A report of the council’s monitoring of drills and exercises in 2016.
- A panel discussion regarding a recent Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council study on the status of Prince William Sound herring and its conclusions, along with other recent research.