Onboard ballast water systems helping reduce spread of invasive species

Systems that treat tanker ballast water before release are a critical step in preventing damage from invasive species

Image of European green crab with graphic showing how to identify a green crab. The image demonstrates that the crab can be identified by counting the spines and bumps along the front edge of the shell. There are three rostral bumps in the middle, with one eye bump on the outside of the rostral bumps, followed by five spine bumps on each side next to each eye.
Invasive European green crab, or Carcinus maenus, were first spotted in Southeast Alaska in 2022. These invaders can be identified by counting the spines and bumps along the front edge of the carapace (shell). There are three rostral bumps in the middle, with one eye bump on the outside of the rostral bumps, followed by five spine bumps on each side next to each eye. The carapace is up to 10 cm/3.5 inches from front to back and side to side. More at www.pwsrcac.org/greencrab

In recent years, companies that transport oil through Prince William Sound have been installing systems to treat the seawater their ships take on as ballast.

Ships pick up ballast water after unloading cargo to help stabilize the vessel during travel. The problem is that larvae and other plankton in the ocean water are also taken on board, where they can easily catch a ride in tanker ballast water to a new port.

Of particular concern to our region is the European green crab, one of the most widespread invaders on the planet. Where they become established, invasive green crab can decimate local species and habitats. Their larvae are known to travel in the ballast water of tankers, and studies have shown that they can survive in climates found in Prince William Sound.

Until recently, the most common method to reduce risk of transporting invasive species was to exchange ballast water in the open ocean. Mid-trip, the water would be pumped out of the hold and refilled with water from the open ocean. The theory is that fewer invasive species live in the open ocean and those that do are less likely to survive in a shoreline environment. However, larvae of invasive species can remain in sediments in the tank bottom. In addition, tankers that traveled between Alaska and West Coast refineries weren’t required to exchange ballast water until new regulations by the Environmental Protection Agency went into effect in late 2008. Some would exchange ballast water anyway, but if weather or sea conditions were dangerous, the exchange might not happen.

This graphic shows the layout of the hold of a double-hulled oil tankers. The double hulls create a void space that is used for holding ballast water for stability when the tanker is empty.
Ballast water is ocean water pumped into the belly of a ship. This extra weight helps maintain stability while underway. Ballast water is usually carried in the space between the outer hull of the tanker and the inner cargo holds, and does not come in contact with the oil.

In 2018, a federal law known as the Vessel Incidental Discharge Act, or VIDA, was passed into law to streamline regulations for discharges from commercial vessels such as oil tankers. Among other changes, VIDA set a national management standard for vessels to meet. The Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Coast Guard are continuing to finalize the rules and regulations for compliance with VIDA.

Meanwhile, tankers in Prince William Sound have already installed state of the art onboard systems to treat ballast water before its released.

These systems are designed to reduce the risk of introducing organisms from ballast water. Methods include filtration, chemicals, ultraviolet radiation, electrolysis, or a combination of these methods.

The Smithsonian Environmental Research Center’s National Ballast Information Clearinghouse hosts an online database with information about ballast water treatment and release: nbic.si.edu/database

Prince William Sound citizens’ council remains committed to its mission

By Donna Schantz and Robert Archibald

Donna Schantz is executive director for the Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council. Robert Archibald is the president of the Council’s board of directors and represents the City of Homer.

Photo of Prince William Sound with water in the foreground and mountains in the background. The focs of the image is the fluke, or tail, of a humpback whale peeking out of the water.
Correcting the record: the Council is concerned about protecting whale populations from impacts of the oil industry in our region.

The Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council is an independent nonprofit corporation whose mission is to promote the environmentally safe operation of the Valdez Marine Terminal and associated oil tankers. Our work is guided by the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 and our contract with Alyeska Pipeline Service Company. Although the Council is funded chiefly by Alyeska, we are completely independent from industry and serve in an advisory role.

The Council’s member organizations are communities in the region affected by the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill, as well as commercial fishing, aquaculture, Alaska Native, recreation, tourism and environmental groups.

At a recent Council board meeting, held in Valdez on May 2-3, 2024, a draft resolution in support of voluntary speed reductions for oil tankers in Prince William Sound was presented by an outside individual. A recent opinion piece contained incorrect information about the Council’s position on this issue and mischaracterized the discussion that took place. The Council would like to correct the record.

The Council has been studying the issue of vessel speed reductions to reduce whale strikes through its technical committees for some time. The Council recognizes that vessel-whale strikes are a widespread problem and that reducing vessel speed is currently the most effective way to lower the number of whale strikes. We also recognize that while there is currently a lack of information and research specifically regarding the prevalence and risk of tanker-whale strikes in Prince William Sound, lack of information does not necessarily mean an absence of harm.

We want to make it clear that the Council is concerned about protecting whale populations from impacts of the oil industry in our region.

During our May meeting, along with the above concerns, Council members discussed current speed limits for laden oil tankers; how slower speeds could reduce air emissions and noise pollution from tankers; the potential increase in crew hours resulting from slower speeds; and whether longer transit time through Prince William Sound could affect safety or have other unintended consequences.

A motion was then passed to issue an advisory letter acknowledging the known benefits of reduced vessel speeds and encouraging further scientific study to better understand the potential occurrence of vessel-whale strikes in our region. The advisory letter will outline the Council’s concerns, questions, and advice regarding the potential outcomes of reduced speeds to tanker operations as a method to mitigate whale strikes, among other environmental concerns. This letter will be directed to relevant regulatory agencies and the Trans Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS) tanker operators.

The topic of full redundancy in engine and steering systems on all TAPS oil tankers has also recently been brought to the Council’s attention by a member of the public. The request we received was to promote an amendment to the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 requiring full redundancy in all newly built tankers in the U.S. The Council believes that, given the importance of the Act, any potential amendments to the legislation should only be considered after thorough vetting and with the utmost due diligence. The Council has not had the opportunity to vet this topic through our technical committees, which is how advice for improving safety is developed at the Council.

The U.S. Coast Guard annually certifies the Council as the federally approved citizens’ advisory group for Prince William Sound, pursuant to the Act. Since the Council was first certified in 1991, the Coast Guard has consistently determined that we foster the general goals and purposes of the Act, and are broadly representative of the communities and interests as envisioned therein.

The Council provides technically and scientifically supported advice and recommendations to promote the safe operation of the Valdez terminal and associated tankers, and reduce the environmental impacts of oil transportation through our region. Council Board and technical committee meetings are open to the public and recordings are available on request. Any member of the public interested in listening to the May board meeting is encouraged to contact the Council at 1-800-478-7221.

Council announces election of board officers to serve until May 2025

The Council held its annual board meeting in Valdez, Alaska, on May 2-3, 2024. Among other business, the Board convened to elect officers who will serve from May 2024 to May 2025.

The elected executive committee is comprised of:

  • President: Robert Archibald, representing the City of Homer
  • Vice President: Amanda Bauer, representing the City of Valdez
  • Treasurer: Mako Haggerty, representing the Kenai Peninsula Borough
  • Secretary: Bob Shavelson, representing the Oil Spill Region Environmental Coalition
  • Three Members-at-Large:
    • Ben Cutrell, representing Chugach Alaska Corporation
    • David Janka, representing City of Cordova
    • Angela Totemoff, representing the Community of Tatitlek

“Of all the advances made in the safe transportation of oil since the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill, perhaps the most innovative and significant was the establishment of permanent, industry-funded citizen oversight for both Cook Inlet and Prince William Sound,” Robert Archibald said. “Everyone involved should be proud of what has been accomplished since the spill, but we also should never become so satisfied with the current services or processes that we become complacent. Constant vigilance is needed to prevent a return to the pre-1989 complacency that allowed this disaster to happen. I am honored to lead our board for another year as we work toward our shared goal of protecting our communities, economies and environment.”

The Council is grateful to have the support of its many volunteers from all over the Exxon Valdez oil spill region. The new executive committee is an excellent representation of the Council.

Meet the Executive Committee

Media release: PWSRCAC May 2024 Board officers press release 

Board meeting and public events in Valdez, May 2024

The Council conducted regular business during the meeting, including seating of established directors and committee members, election of new board officers, and updates from Council ex officio members, staff, and committees. Other topics included on the agenda are:

  • An activity report by Alyeska Pipeline Service Company on the Valdez Marine Terminal and Ship Escort Response Vessel System operations, including an update on Alyeska’s efforts to address concerns identified in the Council’s report “Assessment of Risks and Safety Culture at Alyeska’s Valdez Marine Terminal.”
  • A presentation on the Pikka Project as it relates to the Valdez Marine Terminal by representatives of Santos.
  • An update from Council staff on work being done by the Alaska Regional Response Team’s Regional Stakeholder Committee Task Force.
  • Consideration of a resolution requesting a voluntary vessel speed reduction by the Trans Alaska Pipeline System tankers submitted by Oasis Earth.
  • A summary of the Council’s monitoring of drills and exercises in 2023.
  • An update on community outreach activities done by the Council over the past year.
  • A report from the Council’s legislative monitors and staff on political developments and prospects coming out of Washington, D.C. and Juneau.

Council Board meetings are routinely recorded and may be disseminated to the public by the Council or by the news media.

Agenda and meeting documents 

Media release: Prince William Sound RCAC board meeting and reception in Valdez, May 2024

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