How do you define burdensome?

By Amanda Bauer
Council President

As a personal rule, I try not to get caught up in the words that people choose. But there is one word that has been used so much in conversations about funding for oil spill prevention and response, and when talking about the cost-efficiency of regulations: that word is burdensome.

I would like to tell you about some things I would consider a burden.

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Then and Now – 25 years of citizen involvement following the Exxon Valdez oil spill

Twenty-six years ago today, the Exxon Valdez struck Bligh Reef in Prince William Sound, spilling an estimated 11 million gallons of crude oil into Prince William Sound. While the immediate cause of the spill lies with the captain and crew, complacency on the part of the oil industry, regulators, and the public played a part in the disaster.

Many improvements have been made since 1989. Regulators, the oil industry, and citizens have all worked together to improve the prevention and response system in the Sound. Among many other improvements:

  • Tankers are all double-hulled
  • Loaded tankers are all escorted by two powerful tugs with response equipment on board
  • Local fishermen are contracted and trained to help respond to an oil spill
  • Oil spill contingency plans containing details on how to prevent and respond to an oil spill are now mandatory

Despite improvements, constant vigilance is still needed to prevent a return of the complacency that allowed the Exxon Valdez spill to happen.

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Council weighs in on terminal contingency plan changes

Council Project Manager

Valdez Marine Terminal
Oil storage tanks have a “secondary containment” system surrounding them that would help keep oil out of the environment if a spill from the tanks should occur. The containment system has a liner that would prevent oil from seeping through to the ground. The council recommends routine inspections to make sure the liner remains intact.

The oil spill contingency plan for the Valdez Marine Terminal is undergoing an update, and the council recently had an opportunity to comment on the changes.

The plan, known officially as the Valdez Marine Terminal Oil Discharge Prevention and Contingency Plan, contains detailed information about how an oil spill at the terminal can be contained and cleaned up, and ways to prevent an oil spill in the first place.

By law, these plans are required to be reviewed and updated every five years, and these changes are a part of that regular cycle.

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Symposium for marine firefighters set for May

The eighth edition of the Marine Firefighting Symposium for Land-Based Firefighters will be held on May 19-21, 2015 in Valdez, Alaska. The three-day conference will educate shore-based firefighters on the best available marine firefighting information and practices, using both classroom and field experiences.

Shipboard fires can occur in any coastal community and at any time. The enhanced training offered at the symposium will help firefighters in coastal communities be better prepared to respond safely and effectively to marine fire incidents.

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